terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

4 comentários:

  1. Very good article! You have written what has always been in the back of my mind about the differences between typewriters and computers -- but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

    You HAVE, and I thank you.

    There is nothing like writing on a typewriter!

  2. Bravo! And welcome to the Typosphere - absolutely fabulous and true cartoon, BTW (:

  3. Very, very well said. I restarted using a fountain pen this past July and have since found its many virtues. About the same time I ducted off the case of my not-too-old in typewriter years SCM Classic 12. I decided to type something just for fun and see if the typewirter still worked. Now I have several machines and type much more than word process.

  4. Greetings, Pilgrim. With this, you added a new appendix to the Typosphere's manifesto. And, despite the love of swimming upstream, it is also good to find some sort of kinship with fellow swimmers.
